C.M. Punk vs. Randy Orton ****1/4
(Last Man Standing Match)
This was a heavily improved match over wrestlemania, as you can see by the match's rating. This match had a fast opening, as Orton and Punk were going at it, C.M. Punk made things more extreme adding a couple of canes. They started going at it each over with these canes, now the match gets even better now that they leave the ring. This is a pretty extreme match for the current era that we're in. There is plenty of dramatic moments, as both answer to their 10 counts within seconds of losing. Orton and Punk both use a lot of the environment around them inclued, outside mat, ring post, announce table, and naked turnbuckle. This environment hepled this become way more suspenseful. Overall great match between the two, except Punk losing probably doesn't help him sign a new contract.
Kofi Kingston vs. Sheamus ***1/4
(Tables Match)
Seeing this randomly announced match, I was thinking that it was going to be a throw away match but this actually was pretty good. The match starts fast paced, and the table gets brought out. There is a moment where people might have thought was impossible to avoid a ladder, but Kofi surprises us again. Tables set outside the ring and there are two funny moments: first was Kingston getting brogue kicked but Kofi leaps righter over the table. Second was Sheamus got a trouble of paradise from the apron and falls right behind the table. The match is one of the best table matches that I have seen in a long time. The final move is a spot that is probably to be remembered. Sheamus is placed on the outside table, Kofi leaps and gets so much air onto Sheamus. Excellent spot in this decent match.
Jack Swagger & Michael Cole vs. Jerry Lawler & Jim Ross ***1/4
(Country Whipping Match)
This match was not as nearly as bad as I though it would be. The match, really isn't a wrestling match, which by all means I don't expect from a match between these guys. Jack Swagger and Jerry Lawler was the highlight of the match and Jim Ross being used as little as possible was the best move by WWE. Jim Ross had done some good whipping on Swagger and Cole. Cole even recieved a low blow from Ross. The match ends with a role up on Jim Ross from Michael Cole. his wasn't at all boring and was heavily improved from their lame ass wrestlmania bout. But the fact that it wasn't a great worked match gets it a failing rating.
Cody Rhodes vs. Rey Mysterio ***1/2
(Falls Count Anywhere Match)
This match wasn't as great as I expected it to be but ended up being a fun addition to this Extreme Rules paperview. The match itself was very good, because the two have great chemistry to begin with and Rhodes comes out with two guys handing out paper bad masks to "ugly" people in the crowd. This happened to be a very funny segment and Cody Rhodes pulled it off well as some people actually did wear the bags over their head. So as the match started the two immediatley started brawling outside the ring, and Rey Mysterio had an awesome spot as he did a West Coast Pop from the venues stage onto Rhodes. The thing about these two guys is that they turn brawling into a very talented wrestling match. As they go backstage there are some awesome moves, as Cody Rhodes does him kick from a table and Rey Mysterio does his back cross body from a ramp. The match ends with the 619 and an awesome blue mist from Rey. Good match, a little slow as they walked up the stairs but still a really good match.
Layla vs. Michelle McCool **3/4
(No DQ)
This is the closest passing diva's match in a long time. These two divas had a few really good moves and looked like they really were going at it. Layla is now a face and is seeking forgivness in a segment which seems a lot like a cheesy soap opera (oh wait). The match continues and Michelle uses a lot of cool athletic type moves on each other and Layla pulls out a victory on McCool. This match was well worked by the two woman and after the match was the best part, Awesome Kong came out and did the most destructive divas move I have ever seen in North America.
Christian vs. Alberto Del Rio ****1/2
(Ladder Match)
This match was very special in so many ways and is one that is to be remembered in a long time. So we have Alberto Del Rio come out and Christian and now the match is starting at a very fast paced level. The two go at it with each other then the ladders start to be put into the mix. Christian has a lot of cool moves to show. Alberto Del Rio then sets up a ladder to the position where Christian would usually do a frogsplash onto but fate had a different plan. Christian had a very cool spot where he jumped onto the ladder from the apron, and did a back cross body onto Del Rio. Alberto aslo had a cool spot where he set up a small ladder beside the tall one where Christian was and performed his unique arm codebreaker. The match had an exciting spot where Christian was stuck inside one ladder as Del Rio had climbed up. Then Christian escape and knocked down Del Rio. Another awesome spot was when Christian was going for the title but Brodius Clay came down and grabbed Christian who was hanging onto the title. Clay pulled him off only to get the back of his head hitting the ladder. Alberto comes in and dropkicks Christian with the ladder. He climbs up but gets some help from Edge as he has his own car and is honking towards him, through this distraction Christian knocks the ladder onto Clay and Ricardo. Christian now wins his first (second including TNA) world title in the WWE. We have been waiting years and years for this and now it is finally happening. This is a great match, and I say possibly match of the year worthy (sorry Angle), Christian did an amazing job with spots and Alberto Del Rio had taken the worst bumps which was just as good. Amazing match.
Big Show & Kane vs. Ezekiel Jackson & Wade Barrett *3/4
(Lumberjack Match)
This randomly added match, unlike the other one, was really just a throw away match. If The Corre went against anyone else this would have been a much better match, but no, they had to kill time with the terrible beer belly brothers. Big Show thinks hes intense but hes the most failed superstar veteran in the WWE, and Kane is just some overrated has been. Like I've said before those two guys are awful wrestlers whether they are respected by the community or they are hated by the community. I think they are annoying, talentless and useless. The match itself was bad as Ezekiel Jackson is a faster heavyweight wrestler, Kane is slow as FUCK. The match ends, I will not add any end comment to this one.
John Cena vs. John Morrison vs. The Miz ****1/2
(Steel Cage Match)
This was obviously one of the great matches of the night and the year as well. There were so many good spots and suspense moments in this match. John Cena redeemed himself ass well as the Miz from their wrestlemania bout. John Morrison was again the highlight of the show. There were plenty of moments where the three were really close to ending the match by climbing over the cage, and there was one awesome moment where the two Johns did a double suplex on the Miz from the top of the cage, with Miz landing on his neck. Another great moment was John Morrison from the top of the cage closed the cage door on the Miz's face. John Morrison then had one of the most painful looking accidents done on him as he landed on the cage door crotch first. After this there were many spots, and John Cena had even pulled off a monkey flip on JoMo, which was really cool. John Morrison then had everyone laying down cold flat and was about to win the match, then here comes R-Truth. This was a great move on his part as this generated a lot of heat with his attack on John Cena also. The end of the match is Miz trying to escape but with a large battle, Cena pulls him up and Miz attempts a top rope skull crushing finale. He then turns this into a super FU and gets the three count. The was an excellent match, way better then what TNA had, the three men involved did an amazing job and this match is to be remembered. This ppv gets an:
I will conclude this paperview saying that it was one of the best of the year. This was heavily improved over WrestleMania XXVII, which The Rock practically killed. Now we have two new world champions, John Cena and Christian, and I couldn't have had a more better result (well John Morrison, but hes still young). This paperview was excellent, and the matches inside were great. This is something that will be hard to beat in the near future.